CGAL 6.1 - Fast Intersection and Distance Computation (AABB Tree)
#include <CGAL/AABB_polyline_segment_primitive_2.h>
Primitive type that uses as identifier an iterator with a 2D point as value_type
The iterator from which the primitive is built should not be invalided while the AABB tree holding the primitive is in use. The Segment_2
is constructed on the fly using the Point_2
the identifier is pointing to as source and the Point_2
the next identifier is pointing to as target.
GeomTraits | is a traits class providing the nested type Point_2 and Segment_2 . It also provides the functor Construct_segment_2 that has an operator taking two Point_2 and returning a Segment_2 . |
Iterator | is a model of ForwardIterator whose value type is convertible to GeomTraits::Point_2 |
PointRange | is a model of ConstRange whose iterator is a model of ForwardIterator . Its value type needs to be the key type of PointMap . |
CacheDatum | is either CGAL::Tag_true or CGAL::Tag_false . In the former case, the datum is stored in the primitive, while in the latter it is constructed on the fly to reduce the memory footprint. The default is CGAL::Tag_false (datum is not stored). |
PointMap | is a model of ReadablePropertyMap whose key type is the value type of PointRange and whose value type is Point_2 . The default is CGAL::Identity_property_map <PointRange::value_type>. |